Albeit the etiology of CC is still unknown but the sub-epithelial band-like collagenous deposit may be produced by fibroblasts after an immune stimulation

Albeit the etiology of CC is still unknown but the sub-epithelial band-like collagenous deposit may be produced by fibroblasts after an immune stimulation. and diarrhea subgroups. = 0.032). The demographic data and symptoms for each type of colitis are given in Table ?Table22. Table 2 Demographic data and symptoms for each type of colitis. (%)LC ((%)is usually speculative. The gut wall of patients with MC can be characterized by a number of structural changes and it is not known which one (s) are the most useful and relevant markers. Allergy (food allergy) can cause both diarrhea and constipation. Diseases or symptoms (i.e., food protein-induced enterocolitis, diarrhea or constipation) involving the gastrointestinal system have been attributed to hypersensitive reactions to food[22-25]. Albeit the etiology of CC is still unknown but the sub-epithelial band-like collagenous deposit may be produced by fibroblasts after an immune stimulation. In case of CC, the mesenchymal cells myofibroblastic transformation occurs within the accumulated sub-epithelial extra cellular matrix[26,27]. According to the recent data the bulk of accumulated sub-epithelial extra cellular matrix is composed of type VI collagen and tenascin[28,29]. The increased quantity Cetirizine of mast cells besides the myofibroblasts is usually amazing in the fibrotic layer, which is usually characteristic in CC. The presence of a different distribution of mast cells and macrophages in CC and inflammatory ATV bowel disease suggests that mucosal mast cells play a role in the development of Th2 response CC rather than Th1[30,31]. Our data support the hypothesis Cetirizine that patients with MC may have laboratory and/or clinical evidence of allergic diseases and/or food allergy and these imply a possible connection between MC and food allergy. Remodeling of the gut wall is usually thought to be a Cetirizine result of chronic inflammation. Since steroids reduce or reverse inflammation, they may also reduce or reverse remodeling. However, there is also evidence for a direct effect of steroids Cetirizine around the cells, growth factors, and cytokines which are thought to be central in the remodeling process. Corticosteroids are the most effective drugs available for the treatment of allergic diseases because they have potent anti-inflammatory effects. Topical corticosteroids work by reducing the effects of histamine and other Cetirizine inflammatory mediators involved in the allergic response and repeated dosing inhibits both the early and late phase allergic reactions. All the patients receiving budesonide experienced clinical response. The etiology of MC is still unknown and more research is needed. Up to now, it is not obvious whether CC is usually a distinct entity or only an epiphenomenon of another disease which leads to thickening of the collagen layer[32, 33]. Whether MC (both CC and LC) is an autoimmune disease has not been conclusively established. Autoimmune diseases occur in patients with MC and an association with numerous autoimmune diseases has been suggested, but no serological findings support such a theory[34-36]. Because of the clinical heterogeneity in our study population, the descriptive term MC syndrome may be a more prudent diagnosis than MC. We think that the frequency of MC will increase with better acknowledgement. Footnotes Assistant Editor Guo SY Edited by Wang XL and Gabbe M.