The functional significance of genetic products such as mRNA, miRNA, and proteins can be clarified using living cells, and cell lines are an indispensable research resource

The functional significance of genetic products such as mRNA, miRNA, and proteins can be clarified using living cells, and cell lines are an indispensable research resource. availability of sarcoma cell lines with a specific histology. We found 844 sarcoma cell lines in the Cellosaurus database, and 819 of them were named according to the WHO classification. Among the 819 cell lines, 36 multiple and nine solitary cell lines are available for histology. No cell lines were reported for 133 of the histological subtypes. Among the 844 cell lines, 148 are currently available in general public cell banks, with 692 already published. We conclude that there needs to be a larger ZNF914 quantity of cell lines, with numerous histological subtypes, to better benefit sarcoma study. [1,59]. The analysis of sarcomas has been achieved based on morphological observations, and sarcomas are reclassified from the genetic characterization and subsequent phenotypic correlations. Therefore, the analysis of cell lines with the official name should be processed by pathological examinations according to the most recent analysis criteria. This is a dilemma for a study using medical materials, because the criteria of histological subtypes may have been updated after the cell lines were reported. To take full advantage of patient-derived sarcoma cell lines, we ought to investigate the pathology archives and upgrade the diagnosis. However, this will be a demanding task. Unfortunately, cell lines are not usually deposited in cell banks. We found that only 139 of 819 sarcoma cell lines named according to the WHO classification were deposited in public cell banks. Probably, the rest of the cell lines can be offered upon request by experts. The current cell lender systems may rely on experts and institutes to undertake the cell collection establishment. Creating novel cell lines costs a considerable amount of resources, such as time and money; furthermore, because cell lines are properties of the institutes to which experts are affiliated, it may be hard to deposit all cell lines in public cell banks and share them with additional researches. As the establishment of cell lines itself is not necessarily a novel finding, nor would the publication be in high-impact journals, experts may not TZ9 be motivated to establish and share cell lines. A system to motivate cell collection establishers and their institutes may be necessary to improve the availability by depositing cell lines. This systematic review has several limitations. First, even though genetic background and biological characteristics of some but not all cell lines were reported in publications, this review did not summarize those data. In our study, 692 cell lines were reported in earlier papers, and 108 of them were deposited in cell banks TZ9 (Number 2). Even though experiments were performed separately using different methods, it is well worth integrating the relevant genetic and biological data of reported cell lines to evaluate their possible applications. Second, the medical features of donor individuals, such as metastasis and resistance against therapy, were not investigated with this review. Bernardo et al. [60] performed a systematic review for patient-derived xenografts in bladder cancers and discussed the clinical factors that may influence the take-rate of xenografts. Lu et al. [61] investigated previous studies on xenograft establishment, and correlated the higher engraftment rates with tumor stage. A similar approach could be utilized for cell lines of sarcomas. Thirdly, the pathological analysis should be updated using the most recent pathological criteria of sarcomas. It is possible that some of the reported cell lines may actually symbolize additional subtypes. However, because we cannot access the original pathological archives and it TZ9 takes too much effort to validate the results of pathological analysis, we cannot know the correct histology according to the most recent WHO classification. This is a general problem of sarcoma study, as observed when we carried out histology-based study using previously published data..